Track: ICT Process Improvement, Organisation, and Governance (ICTPIOG)
Most problems in ICT development and maintenance are of human nature, not technological obstacles. The co-operation in teams and projects is key to success. Basis for it is a common understanding of the governing values and policies of the organisation and of the processes tailored to their spirit and fostering the achievement of the business goals. The agile approach makes the role of the humans in the process even more crucial. Especially it requires a common attitude of the players as a prerequisite for the success of the process.
Process engineering facilitates co-operation by providing the chance to establish a common view on how the work should be done. ICT organisations face the challenge to have enforced processes to reduce cost but keep the processes flexible so that the teams can quickly adapt their approach to the rapidly changing requirements. Besides process capability the attitude of continuous improvement is of paramount importance: nothing is constant, to master changes is key. Only fast learning and adapting organisations are competitive and likely to survive.
Suggested topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
Principles governing definition of processes
Volume and reaction time of process improvement steps
Continuous process improvement, process reengineering, innovation
Criteria and mechanism taking decision for and implementation of process changes
Governance of process improvement initiatives or measures
Intertwining of operational (process) and organisational structures: Challenges and solutions
Balancing process and product orientation in organisations
Organisation and governance of digitalisation initiatives
Challenges small and medium companies face setting up and carrying out digitalisation initiatives
Process models for organisations developing artificial intelligence including machine learning
Process models for projects providing big data applications
Commonalities and differences between developing artificial intelligence and traditional development.
Technical debt in agile software development
Agile processes and large-scale agile frameworks to improve digital transformation
Hybrid – traditional and agile – approaches in an organisation structure or in a project
Process improvement in the “trenches” (aka case studies)
Metrics for process control in ICT
Measurement frameworks for process assessment and improvement
Maturity models: where are we, where are we going, going we somewhere?
Which promises did agile approaches fulfill and which ones not?
Process improvement approaches and techniques in agile enterprises
Chairs: Gleison Santos ( UNIRIO, Brazil) and Edna Dias Canedo (UnB, Brazil)
Program Committee:
Ana Lucila Sandoval Orozco, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Ana Paula Chaves Steinmacher, Northern Arizona University, USA
Claude Laporte, École de technologie supérieure, Canada
Claude Tadonki, Centre de Recherche en Informatique (CRI - Fontainebleau) MINES Paris, France
Fabiana Freitas Mendes, UnB, Brazil
Isabel Sofia Britom, UNINOVA-CTS, Portugal
Jefferson Molléri, Kristiania University College, Norway
Káthia Marçal de Oliveira, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, France
Norsaremah Salleh, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia
Rahul Mohanani, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Gleison Santos is an Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Informatics at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO, Brazil), where he has worked since September 2009. He holds a PhD in Software Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil). His research interests include Software Process Improvement, Agile Methods, Software Measurement, and IT Services. He has served as PC member for several international conferences on Software Engineering like ESEM, PROFES, SEAA, AMCIS, CibSE etc., and as a reviewer for IEEE TSE, JSS, IST, EMSE, SQJ, CSI, Software: Evolution and Process, Requirements Engineering, IET Software etc.
Edna Dias Canedo is a tenure-track associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil, where she has worked since April 2010. Her research interests are mostly in Software Engineering, with an emphasis on: Gender Diversity, Requirements Engineering, Regulatory Compliance, Privacy, and Artificial Intelligence. She has been on the organizing/program committees of several international conferences for Software Engineering and Requirements Engineering like CHASE, SEIS, EASE, SANER, SBES, SBQS, SBSI, IHC, and WER.